Memoranda 2013

TANAKA Sigeto <>
(Tohoku University)
QAD Scheme: {tsigeto:qaddoc/}


[ISA14] 2014 XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology
is: {cal:Vevent}
foaf.isprimarytopicof: {tsigeto:isa14}
cal.url: {}
cal.url: {}
title: 2014 XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology
cal.organizer: {ISA} International Sociological Association
cal.organizer: {ISA14LC}
cal.dtstart: 2014-07-13 17:30
cal.dtend: 2014-07-19 16:20
cal.location: {Pacifico Yokohama}, Yokohama, Japan
see: {tsigeto:isa14/sessionlist.html}


[ISA14RC06S5] Family Studies based on Quantitative Analyses of Surveys
is: {cal:Vevent}
is: {ISA14} paper session by the Committee for Family Research {RC06}
topicof: {tsigeto:isa14/rc06-s6.html}
cal.url: {}
title: Family Studies based on Quantitative Analyses of Survey
cal.organizer: {Tabuchi Rokuro}
cal.organizer: {Tanaka Sigeto} A day between 2014-07-14 and 2014-07-18
cal.location: {Pacifico Yokohama}, Yokohama, Japan




[Tabuchi Rokuro] 田渕 六郎
is: {foaf:Person}
is: Professor at Sophia University
topicof: {}


[Inaba Aikihide] 稲葉 昭英
is: {foaf:Person}
is: Professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University
topicof: {}
foaf.publications: {}



[ISA] International Sociological Association
is: {foaf:Organization}
foaf.homepage: {}


[ISA14LC] Local Committee of 2014 XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology
is: {foaf:Organization}
foaf.homepage: {}


[RC06] Research Committee on Family Research RC06, ISA
is: {foaf:Organization}
is: {ISA} Research Committee
topicof: {}
foaf.homepage: {}


[RC28] Research Committee on Social Stratification RC28, ISA
is: {foaf:Organization}
is: {ISA} Research Committee
topicof: {}


[RC32] Women in Society RC32, ISA
is: {foaf:Organization}
is: {ISA} Research Committee
topicof: {}


[RC33] Research Committee on Logic and Methodology RC33, ISA
is: {foaf:Organization}
is: {ISA} Research Committee
topicof: {}
foaf.homepage: {}


[RC41] Research Committee on Sociology of Population RC41, ISA
is: {foaf:Organization}
is: {ISA} Research Committee
topicof: {}



[Pacifico Yokohama] パシフィコ横浜
is: {vcard:location}
foaf.isprimarytopicof: {}
loco: Yokohama, Japan


This page contains Japanese characters encoded in accordance with MS-Kanji: "Shift JIS".

Generated 2014-05-31 22:57 +0900 with the {QAD} system featuring {Plain2}.

Copyright (c) 2012 {TANAKA Sigeto}