Research Topics 2014

TANAKA Sigeto <>
(Tohoku University)
QAD Scheme: {tsigeto:qaddoc/}

Social system

[external effectiveness]
is: {qadv:Concept}
description: The state of a social institution performing a social fanction other than {internal effectiveness} of the institution || 制度がそれに期待された範囲をこえて社会的機能を持つこと
todo: マクロ水準の正義との関連


[internal effectiveness]
is: {qadv:Concept}
description: The state of a social institution where it performs as it is expected as a result of embededness and sanction mechanisms || 社会的埋め込みとサンクション機構によって、制度が期待されたとおり動くこと
critic: 制度とは?


1s. Demography

[TFR] Total fertility rate
is: {qadv:Concept}
name: 合計出生率
alternative: 合計特殊出生率
description: 女性の年齢別出生率の総和 || Total of women's age-specific fertility rate for all ages
see: {}


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Copyright (c) 2012 {TANAKA Sigeto}