Is the generational contract between care and inheritance still alive in Japan?

The coexistence of gendered bilateral and patrilineal intergenerational relationships
(Kansasi University)
A Quantitative Picture of Contemporary Japanese Families: Tradition and Modernity in the 21st Century (Tohoku University Press) (2013-03-28)
Title: Is the generational contract between care and inheritance still alive in Japan?: The coexistence of gendered bilateral and patrilineal intergenerational relationships
Author: YAMATO Reiko (大和 礼子)
Page: 57–91
Short URL: {}


Chapter 3. Is the generational contract between care and inheritance still alive in Japan? - The coexistence of gendered bilateral and patrilineal intergenerational relationships

  1. 1. Introduction and research question
  2. 2. Japanese society and its intergenerational relationships
  3. 3. Studies of the intergenerational relationships within the family
    1. 3.1. Theoretical frameworks
    2. 3.2. Empirical studies on care and inheritance
  4. 4. Data
  5. 5. Results
    1. 5.1. Classification of attitudes
    2. 5.2. Attitudes toward adult children and children-in-law
    3. 5.3. Attitudes toward bequest and care
      1. A) The “cared-for-by-&-bequeath-to-child” group
      2. B) The “selling-assets-&-buying-care” group
      3. C) The “care-as-public-responsibility” group
    4. 5.4. Why the exchange of inheritance for long-term care from a child is difficult in present-day Japan
  6. 6. Conclusions and policy implications



Table 1–4


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The study in this chapter was funded by a 2007–2009 Grant-in-Aid {kaken:19530481} for Scientic Research by the Japan Society of the Promotion of Social Science through the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The author is grateful to Yukiko Shindo (Sonoda Women’s University) and Akiko Iwabuchi (Otemon Gakuin University) for their cooperation in planning and conducting the interviews.


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