Gender segregation of housework

(Ritsumeikan University)
A Quantitative Picture of Contemporary Japanese Families: Tradition and Modernity in the 21st Century (Tohoku University Press) (2013-03-28)
Title: Gender segregation of housework
Author: TSUTSUI Junya (筒井 淳也)
Page: 123–146
Short URL:


Chapter 5. Gender segregation of housework

  1. 1. Sexual segregation within domestic labor
  2. 2. Previous research and theoretical hypothesis: Categorization of domestic labor and how housework is shared
  3. 3. Data, variables, and method of analysis
  4. 4. Results of analysis
  5. 5. Discussion and implications



Table 1–5


Figure 1–3


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The data for this secondary analysis, National Family Research of Japan 2008 {NFRJ08} by the NFRJ Committee, Japan Society of Family Sociology, was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. An earlier version of this chapter was published in Japanese in the NFRJ08 Second Report (田中重人・永井暁子編, 2011, 『家族と仕事』日本家族社会学会 全国家族調査委員会, 55–73 {nfrj:nfrj08_201101_4}).


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